1. Reimbursement children and adolescents

Since 2015, Dutch municipalities have been responsible for mental healthcare for children and adolescents. This is described in the Youth Act. This particular type of mental healthcare is no longer covered by basic health insurance. In most cases, the municipality reimburses the costs of treatment for mental healthcare for children and adolescents. The vast majority of our treatments for clients under the age of 18 are covered by the Youth Act. This applies to both generalist basic mental healthcare (gb-ggz) as well as specialist mental healthcare (s-ggz). We charge the costs of treatment directly to the municipality where the authoritative parent/guardian of the client lives.

Contracts 2021

We have contracts with most municipalities and surrounding municipalities of where our practices are located. Below you can find an overview of all the municipalities with which we have contracts. Is your municipality not listed or does your municipality indicate that there is no contract with Mentaal Beter? Are you questioning whether your costs will be reimbursed? You can contact us for more information.

2. Reimbursement adults

In most cases, Dutch health insurers reimburse the costs of treatment for mental healthcare. The vast majority of our treatments are included in the basic health insurance for which you are compulsory insured. This applies to treatments in primary psychological care (until 2013), treatments in second-line psychological care (until 2014), and treatments started in 2014-2021 in general basic mental healthcare (gb-ggz) and specialist mental healthcare (s-ggz). We charge the cost of the treatment directly to the health insurer. A limited number of treatments is not eligible for reimbursement from basic health insurance. If this is the case, the practitioner will inform you. In addition, you may have to deal with the compulsory insurance deductible and possibly the voluntary insurance deductible.

Below you will find an overview of the health insurers with which we have contracts. Care provided by health insurers with which we do not have contracts is also reimbursed in most cases. Is your health insurer not on the list or does your health insurer indicate that there is no contract with Mentaal Beter? Are you unsure whether your costs will be reimbursed? Please contact us.

Overzicht-Zorgverzekeraars 2021-2022

3. Insurance deductibles

Compulsory deductible

In the Netherlands there is a compulsory deductible for everyone aged 18 years or older. This is an amount of money that you have to pay yourself if you incur healthcare costs that are covered by your basic insurance. The compulsory insurance deductible in 2021 is €385,-. If you receive treatment at Mentaal Beter, your health insurer can charge you any excess that you still have outstanding. There is no compulsory excess for children and adolescents under the age of 18.

Voluntary deductible

In addition to the compulsory insurance deductible, you may have agreed upon a voluntary deductible with your health insurer. The voluntary deductible can rise up to €500, so that the total deductible is a maximum of €885,- (€385+€500) in 2021. Your health insurer can, if applicable, charge you the voluntary deductible at the end of your treatment. Please contact your health insurer if you wish to know more about the compulsory and voluntary deductibles, or about the amount you still have outstanding.

4. No-show, cancelling appointment

Please let us know as soon as possible if you cannot keep an appointment and wish to cancel. You can cancel appointments by telephone at our contact and planning office up to at least 24 hours in advance. For appointments that have not been canceled 24 hours in advance, Mentaal Beter will charge you € 65,-. We ask you to handle appointments carefully and only cancel them in extreme cases.

Our contact and planning office is available for you during working days between 8:00 AM and 5:30 PM and can be reached via 088 033 0600 (children and youth) and 088 010 4480 (adults). If you want to cancel or move an appointment on Monday during the weekend, you can send an email to planbureaukj@mentaalbeter.nl (child and youth) or contactteam@mentaalbeter.nl (adults). If the email is received before 9:00 AM on Monday, we will not charge a ‘no-show’.

5. Family and stakeholders

In some cases, our practitioners involve family, friends or other parties involved in the treatment of a client. There are no costs associated with this.

6. Paying yourself and non-insured care

You have the option of paying for your treatment yourself, regardless whether or not you are insured. The invoice will then be sent directly to you and not to your health insurer or the municipality. The costs depend on the type and duration of the treatment. If you wish to receive more information about this matter, please contact us.


Some treatments are not covered by the basic insurance of the Health Insurance Act (Zorgverzekeringswet, Zvw). This concerns coaching sessions and not (care) treatments.

Additional insurance

Some treatments are not covered by the basic insurance of the Health Insurance Act (Zorgverzekeringswet, Zvw), but can be reimbursed under a supplementary insurance policy. Please contact your health insurer for more information about these reimbursements.

7. Not insured or insured abroad

If you are not (yet) insured or are insured abroad, you can still come to us for treatment. In this case you will usually pay for your treatment yourself. The costs depend on the type and duration of the treatment. For more information about the reimbursement, please contact us.